All the little 'extras' that don't fit as posts unto themselves.
- About — a few notes about me, this website, etc.
- Archive — browse posts by year.
- Year-end 'meta' posts — wherein I recap the year. Here are the 2012, 2013, and 2014 recaps.
- Reading Pipeline — books I'm currently reading, books I've recently finished, books I've abandoned, etc. Updated about once a month. Also includes a list of my all-time favorites.
- Links — collection of high-quality links I think Melting Asphalt readers would enjoy.
- Some of the series I've published on this blog.
Pet topics
These are some ideas that continue to tickle my brain, but haven't worked their way into full-blown essays yet.
- Biological curiosities — natural selection, you sly dog!
- Cognitive curiosities (technically, should be a subset of biological curiosities)
- Cultural curiosities (ditto)
- Emotional confusion
- Crazes, fads, and manias
Non-human animals
- Ostranenie
- Perspectives on consciousness
- Perspectives on the self
- Perspective inversions
- Patterns of coordination
- Human interaction anti-patterns AKA bad "ethical smells"
- The game of "Let's pretend we're not animals"
- The spirituality of science []