It's been a while since I blogged. Let's give it another go!
As I was thinking about starting this blog, I looked back at all the sites I've made during my time on the web. I've been here for 15+ years — over half my life — and have built about a dozen different sites.

first home page banner, c. 1997
I've used Geocities (SouthBeach anyone?), Xoom, VirtualAve (first cgi-bin; oh how sweet that was), livejournal, ~/public_html folders on two different university accounts, my own Windows box in the dorm, WebFaction, and Heroku.
I've built personal home pages, quotation databases, multiple blogs, my own blogging platform, and a website that did personality matching between classmates, long before social networks and online dating. My current projects are this blog and an online organization tool.
All this, and it still feels like the web is just getting started.
What an amazing platform.